This report is being created because it’s possible that you heard about Blastoff for the first time from an overly enthusiastic individual hyping it to the point where it sounded unreasonable, especially during October and November 2009 shortly after the official launch. If you are like most people, you probably did not respond well to this & it might have turned you off completely. However, it is important to cut through all the hype and take a look at the facts that make Blastoff the opportunity that it is. So if that is what you’re looking for, then reading this will not be a waste of your time. Following is a list of points for you to consider before making a final decision about Blastoff.
1) The Blastoff Founders.
Blastoff Communications, LLC of Plano, TX was founded by:
William Rodgers - Founder/Chief Executive Officer
Adam Smith - Co-Founder/ Chief Strategy & Development Officer
Dick Ronchetti - Co-Founder/Adviser.
They work with some highly qualified executives:
Doug Gray - Chief Technology Officer
Scott Berman - Chief Creative Officer
Bryan Martin - Chief Financial Officer
Brett Beveridge - Adviser
The amount of time, energy & creativity that this team has invested in creating the Blastoff Network is staggering. After you have taken some time to thoroughly read this report, and watch a few of the tutorial videos linked to on this page, you are sure to agree. This site was not created by amateurs looking to cash-in on a trend by building some little network deal. These guys are pros. They mean business. Their goal is to become bigger than websites like Google, Yahoo & Facebook and they've done their homework.
2) Blastoff is Many Things to Many People.
“The Blastoff Homepage”
Most people, and this should include everyone who uses the internet, will simply enjoy setting Blastoff as their homepage because it offers much more than the homepages we are all used to seeing. For example, iGoogle,, AOL & Microsoft Live all offer a selection of different backgrounds, a glimpse of the local weather, and your choice of news feeds. Blastoff goes way beyond this. The Customizable Panels allow you to watch TV and videos, listen to internet radio, play video games, and most important, chat with your friends through social networks like Facebook & Twitter. Now, understanding that Social Media is here to stay, and will only continue to take up more of our time and attention, you’d think that the previously mentioned homepages & portals would have already inserted things like your Facebook and Twitter into their sites. But they didn’t! And while they will probably add this in the future, it will be too late; Blastoff will have captured that market share and they will all be playing catch-up.
“Cash-Back Shopping”
Other Blastoff members are looking for cash-back shopping. Blastoff has the most comprehensive and unique Online Shopping Mall ever created, giving members access to over 300 Online Merchants; and it’s growing daily. Then there's "Blastoff Wireless" offering free phones from AT&T, Sprint & Verizon; and "Blastoff Home Services" where you have access to cable and satellite services at discounted rates. So after you become a Blastoff member, you not only get exclusive shopping deals, but you get a percentage of each purchase you make back in the form of a check each month. Not coupons, not credits, not limited time bonuses, or rewards specials; you get a check that you can cash!
“Make Money with Blastoff”
Some people, namely the people you heard all of the hype from, recognize that there is a real opportunity to make money with Blastoff. By inviting others to join Blastoff, an individual can Create a Network of Blastoff users all linked to the invite originator, and get paid a percentage of their online purchases. This is the reason why you are likely to receive numerous e-mail invites in the coming weeks and months.
3) Blastoff Makes it Easy to Spread the Word.
One thing that Facebook did to allow its members to generate 100 million new users in 9 months, was utilize innovative contact-importing technology. They provided an easy way to import friends & contacts and send out invites to all of them at once, without a lot of time or energy invested.
While Facebook did a good job, Blastoff has taken this technology to a new level altogether. The Blastoff Invite Utility is outstanding. It allows you to upload contacts from the major web-mail providers like Yahoo, Gmail & Hotmail. You can even upload a “.csv” file created from your Outlook or from another database or spreadsheet, there is even a “Manual Entry” option so you can type in the email address you have written on paper or from business cards. It then personalizes & tracks all the emails sent out, and shows the current status of the invite; “Sending”, “In Queue”, “Sent”, “Viewed”, “Accepted” or “Expired”.
Keep in mind that there are about 220 million internet users in the world today & Facebook captured 100 million in 9 months, now that is just the number of people who accepted the invites… Imagine how many were sent out.
Now if Blastoff makes it easier to send the invites, and offers an incentive for doing it, it’s likely that all 220 Million internet users could receive this email at least once in the first year of the Blastoff launch (10/22/09).
4) Social Media Marketing is Powerful.
It’s no secret that online social media is an international phenomenon. Facebook, MySpace, Linked In, YouTube & Twitter are all household names and are not going away anytime soon. If you have not already seen the video titled "Social Media Revolution" watch it now. It offers a glimpse of how important this new medium has already become. Who would have thought 3 years ago that the words “Twitter” & “Google” would be used as verbs? Due to the explosion of Online Social Networking, people all around the world are able to communicate at the speed of light. In this new paradigm of information age marketing, an idea as unique and as powerful as Blastoff, has the potential to grow at an unprecedented rate. Now consider that Blastoff has already integrated a “Social Invite” option into their website which allows users to post Blastoff sign-up links directly to their Facebook “Status Update”. You see, the creators of Blastoff were smart enough to realize that they could not compete with the success of Facebook by creating another social networking site. Many have tried that and failed. Instead, they would integrate & leverage the popularity of Facebook to build something distinctly original. Genius!
5) Blastoff Pays you on the Purchases in Your Network.
In an effort to supercharge their growth, the visionaries at Blastoff have implemented the mother of all incentives, Cash Payments. Talk about throwing fuel on the fire! By aggressively inviting others to join Blastoff, an individual can create a vast network of Blastoff users all linked back to the originating member. Blastoff then pays commissions on all purchases made in the network out to 10 degrees of separation from the point of sale. Understanding the power of Viral Marketing & Social Media, internet users all over the country are scrambling to capture their share of the market before the “Big Players” mop up the leftovers.
6) Blastoff has Major Corporate Sponsors.
As if the viral invites system & the social media leverage weren't enough, Blastoff has signed contracts with four giant corporations to promote Blastoff to the masses. Pizza Hut, the United Way, the Dallas Cowboys, and Pre-Paid Legal Services Inc. will all be promoting Blastoff directly to their employees as well as their customers. These are the “Big Players” mentioned earlier. It has not been made known why these particular corporations were chosen, or what the terms of their contracts are. However, it’s pretty obvious that Football, Pizza, Charity, and Legal Services, all appeal to specific demographics of the US population and will therefore make it possible for Blastoff to reach a very large spectrum of people. How many major corporations helped to push Facebook & Twitter in to the mainstream? None!
7) The Benefits for Blastoff.
This is probably the most important fact for you to understand as you evaluate the Blastoff Network. Because ultimately, your ability to create any meaningful income with Blastoff, depends on the overall success & popularity of the Blastoff Network as a whole.
Ordinarily, you would not imagine that a simple one-page website would set their sights on such a lofty goal. Well make no mistakes about it, Blastoff is on a mission to become the #1 website on the internet, out ranking Google, Yahoo and the other most visited sites on the web.
Blastoff is not out to conquer the world, they just want to acquire the best online real estate available, everyone’s homepage! This is just like a real estate investor who is looking to buy the biggest properties in the best locations. However Blastoff will not be charging rent, they will be compensated in other ways:
1) Banner Advertising. In the upper-right hand corner of every Blastoff homepage is a 300 x 250 pixel box that displays advertisements for products and websites. Rest assured that this space is destined to become the most expensive place to advertise online. It will soon be seen by the largest number of people on the internet, day in and day out. More importantly, it will be the first thing people see when they open their web browsers. Furthermore, this ad space resides on their homepage, that they customized, and they feel a sense of ownership in & quite possibly pays them a sizable monthly income. Getting an ad on that space would be the equivalent of placing an ad on every billboard in the US all at once. One can only imagine the sum of money that will be generated by selling that space. Certainly enough money to make everyone involved very successful!
2) Mall Commissions. Every store in the Blastoff mall is part of an affiliate program. These affiliate programs pay their affiliates a fixed percentage of all the purchases made through their affiliate link. When you see a major retailer in your Blastoff Mall is offering 2% cash back, this probably means that Blastoff is collecting around 4% from each sale. Blastoff then gives you half of that money (2%) back at the end of the month. Of the remaining amount, 1% is divided up to pay out 10 levels of referrers, and 1% is kept by Blastoff as their profit, not a bad deal. Now think about Blastoff getting a 1% commission from over 200 Million people loyally shopping through the Blastoff Mall, for almost everything they shop online for? Are you starting to understand what a revolutionary concept Blastoff has implemented? They could make hundreds of millions a year in profit from mall commissions alone. Brilliant!
In summary, Blastoff is providing a number of free services that appeal to a broad spectrum of internet users, for several different reasons. These are services that every person on the internet is likely to use in the near future. In return, people will buy through their mall and click on their ads, this is exactly the same business model that Google uses. Right now, everything at Blastoff is up and running smoothly & more is being added on a daily basis. Blastoff is showing no signs of slowing down and so far they do appear to be completely unstoppable! If you would like to join, simply click the link below.